A meaningful way to start our first PSG activity for 2024! PSG members got into action with the staff of CCKSS and our Guest of Honor Minister Gan Kim Yong this morning for our Tree Planting VIA!
CCKSS' Environmental Science Students cared for and tended to 20 saplings since 2 years ago. Now these saplings are ready to be planted on the ground. NParks supplied us with 31 trees to make it a total of 50 trees for our contribution to the OneMillionTree Movement – all part of Singapore's Green Masterplan 2030! You can find out more about the OneMillionTree Movement here:

Group photo of members from the PSG together with Minister Gan Kim Yong ( 4th from right) with school leaders, Mr Timothy Cheng (2nd from left), Mdm Hartati (2nd from right) and teachers, Mdm Shaffie (1st on the right), and Mdm Latifah (1st from left)

Group Photo of all the staffs, students, members of the CCKSS Parent Support Group with Minister Gan.

Digging, planting, watering...

CCKSS students, teachers and parents alike getting their hands dirty... all with happy smile on their faces. Glad to do our part for the environment.

Taking a celebratory group photo after the planting has been completed! Great work everyone!

Thank you to all PSG members for joining this meaningful experience!